Properties of polydimethylsiloxane hydrophobic modified duplex microarc oxidation/diamond-like carbon coatings on AZ31B Mg alloy

ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 12:42
利用PDMS对AZ31B镁合金表面的双工MAO / DLC涂层进行改性,开发了一种可靠、高性能的涂层工艺。首先,采用MAO和非平衡磁控溅射相结合的工艺制备了双工MAO / DLC涂层。随后,采用PDMS溶液对MAO / DLC涂层进行改性,采用传统的浸涂法。通过SEM、CA、Raman光谱、摩擦磨损性能、极化曲线和NSS试验,评价涂层试样的表面特征、结合强度、硬度、摩擦学性能和耐腐蚀性能。PDMS改性使MAO / DLC涂层的HIT从15.96   GPa降低到8.34   GPa,这是由于PDMS具有良好的流变性能,在MAO / DLC涂层上形成了粘弹性Si基有机聚合物层。但PDMS改性的MAO / DLC涂层较MAO-和MAO / DLC涂层样品致密、疏水性强,结合强度更高。而且PDMS改性降低了MAO / DLC复合涂层的COF和磨损率。这表明,由于PDMS的Si-O网络引入了转移的Si氧化物,以及DLC层在滑动过程中的低石墨化,PDMS改善了摩擦学性能。此外,PDMS改性10   min的MAO / DLC涂层试样的腐蚀电流密度与MAO / DLC涂层试样相比降低了2个数量级,与裸基体相比降低了5个数量级。NSS试验证明PDMS层减缓了镁合金在长期服役下的腐蚀,增强了腐蚀防护效率。

Applicability of equilibrium sampling in informing tissue residues and dietary risks of legacy and current-use organic chemicals in aquaculture.

ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 12:41
Equilibrium sampling based on silicone polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) has been used to determine the concentrations of freely dissolved hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs) and assess the thermodynamic potentials for bioaccumulation of these compounds in the aquatic environment. This allows the use of PDMS-based sampling techniques in assisting conventional sampling and extraction methods for the determination of the concentrations of HOCs in aquaculture products.

Implementation of hybrid PDMS-graphite/Ag conductive material for flexible electronic devices and microfluidic applications

ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 12:40
柔性电子材料以其良好的柔性、低成本、多功能和可拆卸性等前所未有的优点,在各种应用中受到了广泛的关注,同时又不影响其电子性能。本文采用由聚二甲基硅氧烷( PDMS )和导电油墨(石墨或Ag )组成的导电材料,既保持了油墨的导电性,又提高了PDMS的疏水性和导电油墨的粘合性。为了进一步促进该材料在各种应用中的实现,提出并提出了两种新的制备方法,即塑料薄膜掩膜印刷( PFMP )和线切割放电切割( WEDC ),利用了未来在操作方便、低成本和高分辨率等方面的使用。此外,应用2D / 3D纸基柔性电路、超级电容器和3D PDMS导电模型进一步提供该材料的示范性应用,并分别在纸基和PDMS基器件上用介电电泳( DEP )分离纸上的血浆和溶液中的聚苯乙烯( PS )微球。我们相信,所提出的导电材料和制备方法满足了科学研究的需要,将为未来柔性电子、片上实验室( LOC )和生物医学领域提供新的方向。


ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 12:40
In this paper, an optical pressure-sensitive membrane based on plasmon resonance absorption has been designed, fabricated, and demonstrated. The membrane utilizes plasmon resonance on a gold island film embedded in a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) layers, and the shift of the resonant wavelength was used as an indicator of pressure-induced strain of the membrane. The membrane with total thickness of 100 µm were prepared with spin-coating of PDMS and vacuum evaporation of gold island film with the nominal thickness of 10 nm.

로봇의 내열성 강화를 위한 부착형 스킨 개발

ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 12:40
Intense heat from fire can result in significant damage to firefighting robots. To avoid this damage, numerous studieshave been conducted on the thermal insulation of firefighting robots using electrical motors and sensors that can notwithstand high temperatures. In this paper, we present an attachable skin for enhancing the thermal resistance of firefightingrobots using polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), where a wet chemical extinguishing agent is injected into the holes on PDMS.


ty10086 提交于 周三, 08/25/2021 - 17:26
目前使用的水泥憎水添加剂要么价格昂贵,要么在使用过程中易损坏,限制了其在混凝土上的大规模应用。本研究提出了低成本、市售的聚二甲基硅氧烷( PDMS )作为水泥砂浆疏水改性的水泥掺合料。PDMS在硬化水泥砂浆( HCM )中的均匀分布将整体憎水性归因于HCM。PDMS改性的HCM ( M-HCM )表面具有超疏水特性,接触角为157.3 °,滑动角为8.7 °,经110   m磨损后具有良好的机械稳定性。此外,M-HCM的吸水率降低了约92.51 %,M-HCM的耐腐蚀性明显提高。M-HCM的抗压强度和抗折强度分别降低了30.9 %和18.1 %,而韧性有所提高。此外,与U-HCM相比,M-HCM抗风化、抗硫酸盐侵蚀和抗浸出的耐久性显著提高。这种机械强度高的超疏水M-HCM材料可用于防水混凝土和防腐混凝土。