Impact of tuning CO2-philicity in polydimethylsiloxane-based membranes for carbon dioxide separation

ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 13:21
Abstract(#br)Amidoxime-functionalized polydimethylsiloxane (AO-PDMSPNB) membranes with various amidoxime compositions were synthesized via ring-opening metathesis polymerization followed by post-polymerization modification. Compared to other previously reported PDMS-based membranes, the amidoxime-functionalized membranes show enhanced CO 2 permeability and CO 2 /N 2 selectivity.

Bonding Nafion® with polydimethysiloxane: A versatile approach towards ion-exchange membrane microfluidic devices

ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 13:20
Abstract(#br)Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is one of the most widely used materials for the fabrication of microfluidic devices. The uncomplicated integration of ion-exchange membranes, such as Nafion ® , would facilitate manifold electrochemical processes in microfluidics. However, the Nafion ionomer does not directly bond with cross-linked PDMS and the assembly of the membrane and PDMS substrate still remains a technological challenge.

A novel approach for PDMS thin films production towards application as substrate for flexible biosensors

ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 13:17
Abstract(#br)PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxane) thin films are widely used in stretchable electronics. However, it still remains challenging to fabricate PDMS thin films in an easy and convenient manner. To address this issue, here we novelly present an approach to ease the fabrication of PDMS membranes using lift-off method. For application as substrates in flexible biosensors, a gold thin film has been deposited on the PDMS thin film. The reliability of electric conductivity has been investigated. Moreover, biocompatibility of the PDMS thin film has been tested by culturing HeLa live cells it.

Laser Preparing Tunable Wrinkles on the Surface of PDMS with Assistance of Pre-strain Stress

ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 13:17
Abstract(#br)Micro directional wrinkles are widely used to functionalize the surface inside micro chips. In this paper, a nano-second laser, with the assistance of pre-strain stress, was applied to prepare tunable wrinkles on the surface of PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane). Experiments were carried out to investigate the impact of the pre-strain stress and the laser fluence on the wrinkles, like the direction and the wavelength. It was noticed that wrinkles prepared in the process grown vertically to the direction of the pre-strain stress.

Antimicrobial, antioxidant, and waterproof RTV silicone-ethyl cellulose composites containing clove essential oil

ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 13:17
Abstract(#br)Ethyl cellulose (EC)/polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) composite films were prepared at various concentrations of PDMS in the films (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 wt.%). Morphological and chemical analysis by EDX-SEM and ATR-FTIR showed that EC-rich matrices and PDMS-rich particles were formed, with the two polymers interacting through H\u003cce:glyph name=\"sbnd\"/\u003ebonds. The number and diameter of particles in the composite depended on the PDMS content and allowed a fine tuning of several properties such as opacity, hydrophobicity, water uptake, and water permeability.

IR-Compatible PDMS microfluidic devices for monitoring of enzyme kinetics

ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 13:16
Abstract(#br)Coupling infrared (IR) spectroscopy to microfluidic devices provides a powerful tool for characterizing complex chemical and biochemical reactions. Examples of microfluidic devices coupled with infrared spectroscopy have been limited, however, largely due to the difficulties associated with fabricating systems in common infrared transparent materials like CaF 2 . Recent reports have shown that polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) can be used as an IR transparent substrate when fabricated with thin layers.


ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 13:16
Abstract(#br)Carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) reduce weight in aerospace and automotive applications while maintaining or improving structural performance. Additional performance gains can be realized with composites if adhesive bonding is used in place of mechanical fasteners for structural assemblies. Surface preparation for adhesive bonding plays a critical role in the assembly process. Effective techniques for monitoring the pre-bonding surface conditions are crucial to obtain surfaces free from bond-degrading contaminants, e.g.

Fluorographite-co-polydimethylsiloxane coated polyvinylidene-fluoride membrane for desalination of highly saline water with humic acid in direct contact membrane distillation

ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 13:15
Abstract(#br)Membranes with amphiphobic properties are crucial for desalination of concentrated saline water with organic foulant by membrane distillation. In this research, we coated Fluorographite (FGi) particles on polyvinylidene-fluoride (PVDF) flat sheet membranes with 0.8% v/v polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) as binder by filtration coating method. We evaluated its amphiphobicity via contact angles which were observed by DI water, canola oil and organic solutions as mimicking for oleophobicity.

An experimental study on gravity waves through a floating viscoelastic cover

ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 13:15
Abstract(#br)We report the results of a laboratory study conducted to investigate the dispersion relation and attenuation of surface waves under viscoelastic floating covers. The study uses oil-doped polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) with different viscoelastic properties quantified in-situ using a rheometer. An additional test is made with a floating PVC film to estimate possible attenuation in the boundary layer under the cover. Within the frequency range tested, the wavelength deviates from open water case negligibly under the PVC film.


ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 13:14
摘要 采用射频磁控溅射技术在SiO2衬底上制备了由7对SiO2和TiO2交替层组成的一维多层介质薄膜。选择薄膜厚度反映650 nm附近的可见光辐射。在两个布拉格反射镜之间夹有聚二甲基硅氧烷制成的弹性微腔层。在此基础上,开发了弹性微腔的制备工艺,以调整微腔的厚度,建立微腔的表面平整度,提高样品的重现性。模拟和测量了单个布拉格反射镜和微腔的透光率。实测数据与传递矩阵法计算结果的比较表明,两者具有良好的相关性。此外,为了评估微腔作为力传感器的适用性,对微腔的透射率进行了测量。由于外加力的作用,弹性微腔厚度的变化导致腔体谐振峰的偏移与外加力成正比。