
Facile endothelial cell micropatterning induced by reactive oxygen species on polydimethylsiloxane substrates

ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 13:27
Abstract(#br)Sophisticated cell pattern provides unique cellular assay platform for studying cell to cell interaction, cellular differentiation and signaling, high-throughput cell response to chemicals. In this study, we demonstrated reactive oxygen species (ROS) mediated endothelial cell micropatterning on a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrate. The exposure of UV/O radiation led to the formation of ROS on the surface of PDMS, which could selectively prevent adhesion of endothelial cells.

A rapid approach to prepare poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline)-based antifouling coating by UV irradiation

ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 13:21
Abstract(#br)A series of brush copolymers, poly[(2-methyl-2-oxazoline)-random-4-vinylpyridine] (PMOXA-r-4VP), with a variety of compositions was synthesized by reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization of the poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline) methacrylate macromonomer (PMOXA-MA) and 4-vinylpyridine (4VP), and then characterized by 1 H NMR spectroscopy and gel permeation chromatography (GPC).

紫外光辅助沉积抗菌Ag -单宁酸纳米复合涂层。

ty10086 提交于 周三, 08/25/2021 - 16:15
医疗器械细菌定植量的显著增加和对传统抗生素的多重耐药性,突显出开发新型抗菌表面涂层的迫切需求。本研究以天然多酚单宁酸( TA )为原料,在紫外光照射下,通过一步氧化还原反应,在聚二甲基硅氧烷( PDMS )及其基底表面同时均匀沉积,制备了TA-Ag NPs。在合成过程中,TA的二羟基苯基和三羟基苯基基团积极参与Ag还原,与Ag NPs形成配位连接,赋予沉积在PDMS表面。详细表征了TA-Ag NPs的理化性质。镜检、表面元素分析和润湿性测量清楚地揭示了TA-Ag NPs在基底表面的修饰。改性后的PDMS表面能杀灭粘附的细菌或抵抗细菌的粘附,表面没有发现活菌。更重要的是,在导管桥模型和大鼠皮下感染模型中,修饰后的PDMS表面均具有显著的体外抗菌作用。另一方面,功能化表面对L929小鼠成纤维细胞仅表现出微不足道的细胞毒作用,植入后对Sprague Dawley大鼠主要脏器无毒副作用,表明其生物相容性具有潜在的生物医学应用前景。