
Adhesion improvement of the acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive to low-surface-energy substrates using silicone urethane dimethacrylates

ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 12:45
Abstract(#br)The acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive (acrylic PSA) shows satisfactory adhesion to high-surface-energy substrates, such as glass, metal, and SUS, but it shows very low adhesion to low-surface-energy substrates, such as polyethylene, polypropylene, and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). To increase the adhesion strength of PSA to the low-surface-energy substrates, silicone dimethacrylate (SiDMA) was added to decrease the surface energy of the PSA, but it induced degraded peel strength due to plasticization and miscibility problems.


ty10086 提交于 周三, 08/25/2021 - 16:46
为了提高丙烯酸基压敏胶( PSA )的耐热性,采用聚二甲基硅氧烷( PDMS )基宏观偶氮引发剂( MAI )合成了含硅嵌段的丙烯酸PSAs ( SPSAs )。为了评价PSA薄膜的耐热性,在不同温度下测定了探针钉和90°剥离强度。丙烯酸PSA表明,其黏着曲线由25℃的平衡脱粘转变为50℃的黏聚脱粘,并呈现急剧降低的趋势。但在SPSA含20wt % MAI ( MAI20 )的情况下,平衡脱粘保持在75℃,其粘着值几乎不随温度变化。随着MAI含量的增加,SPSA中PDMS-与丙烯嵌段之间的微相分离导致25℃下的剥离强度降低,但剪切粘着破坏温度( SAFT )从41.3℃几乎线性增加到122.8℃。由于加入20wt %的有机硅-聚氨酯二甲基丙烯酸酯齐聚物和200 m J / cm2的紫外光照射剂量,MAI20在25℃时的90°剥离强度显著提高(原MAI20为548.3 vs . 322.4 gf / 25 mm )。通过剪切粘着破坏试验( SAFT )评估其在剪切应力作用下的耐热性,与未辐照试样相比,其破坏温度提高到177.3℃。