
ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 13:14
Abstract(#br)Currently, most of the working electrodes in electrochemistry are fabricated on rigid substrates. However, flexible electrodes may play important roles in future electronics, such as wearable medical devices and fuel cells. In this study, a flexible Pd/AgNWs/PDMS electrode was generated by the electrodeposition of palladium (Pd) onto silver nanowires (AgNWs), which were drop-casted on polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) results showed that the AgNWs or the Pd coated AgNWs distributed evenly on the PDMS substrates.

Highly sensitive optical sensor for hydrogen gas based on a polymer microcylinder ring resonator

ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 12:46
摘要\n利用非晶态钯( Pd )内纳米膜和聚二甲基硅氧烷( PDMS )外聚合物层制备的聚合物微圆柱环形谐振器( PMRR ),实现了一种高灵敏的氢气传感平台。该传感方案基于监测高质量的光学共振,称为耳语廊模式( WGMs )的光谱位移,该模式传播在PDMS层外缘附近,而不受Pd纳米薄膜引起的吸收和散射损失的影响。单模锥形光纤与PMRR耦合激发WGMs,观察到的WGMs的可逆光谱位移是由不同浓度H2作用下Pd纳米膜膨胀或收缩引起的PDMS层直径的变化引起的。以氮气( N2 )为载体,在H2浓度为1 %时,对不同厚度的Pd纳米薄膜制备的传感器进行了最大光谱位移灵敏度140 pm / % H2、最低响应时间95 s和最低检测限60 ppm的测试。在沉积后的空气或N2气氛中退火的Pd纳米薄膜也进行了实验。在这两种情况下,由于薄膜内部形成较大的晶粒,导致H在Pd层中的扩散较慢,溶解度降低,导致灵敏度降低。还研究了氧气和湿度对传感器性能的影响。