
Droplet-based microfluidics for dose–response assay of enzyme inhibitors by electrochemical method

ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 13:36
Abstract(#br)A simple but robust droplet-based microfluidic system was developed for dose–response enzyme inhibition assay by combining concentration gradient generation method with electrochemical detection method. A slotted-vials array and a tapered tip capillary were used for reagents introduction and concentration gradient generation, and a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microfluidic chip integrated with microelectrodes was used for droplet generation and electrochemical detection. Effects of oil flow rate and surfactant on electrochemical sensing were investigated.


ty10086 提交于 周三, 08/25/2021 - 16:58
在许多生化实验中,必须控制特定位置的浓度梯度。本文提出了一种基于聚二甲基硅氧烷( PDMS )气体渗透性的可控位置,由声振气泡俘获在气泡通道内驱动的可调谐浓度梯度发生器。梯度发生器由玻璃基板、PDMS芯片和压电换能器组成。当被困气泡被声波激活后,气液界面附近的溶液发生混合。气泡的体积和气液界面的位置通过PDMS壁面的渗透性来调节。通过改变主通道中能够使流体混合的气泡的数量和位置,以及外加电压的幅值,可以实现浓度梯度的可调谐。这种新型器件易于制备、响应快、生物相容性好,具有很大的应用前景。特别适用于对时间可控性要求较高的生物研究。