
Newly designed dual-mode electrochemical sensor onto a single polydimethylsiloxane-based chip

ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 12:43
Abstract(#br)Here we present a planar polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-based millifluidic device in which the channel (at a serpentine-shape) and a new design of electrochemical sensor (dual-mode detection) are assembled into a single chip. The platform makes use of a fully integrated reservoir to place the reference electrode, separating it from the flowing stream. The device was properly characterized aiming to evaluate the influences of channel geometries and diameters, and the electrochemical properties were improved compared with the classical reference electrode configuration.


ty10086 提交于 周三, 08/25/2021 - 16:39
这里我们提出了一种基于平面聚二甲基硅氧烷( PDMS )的毫流器件,该器件将沟道(呈蛇形)和一种新设计的电化学传感器(双模检测)组装成单片机。平台利用一个完全集成的储液池放置参比电极,将其与流动的水流分离。为了评估沟道几何尺寸和直径的影响,对器件进行了适当的表征,与经典参比电极构型相比,电化学性能得到了改善。为考察所提出的微流控装置的适用性,采用安培检测法对自来水和湖水以及地下水样品进行分析,以确定水杨酸-选定为模型分析物。我们的实验结果证明了在PDMS芯片中安培检测的成功前景,并且在使用电子微吸管时具有很高的抗干扰能力和不受样品干扰的表面失活。