
Experimental Study on a Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Valveless Micropump Actuated by a Laser-induced Shock Wave

ty10086 提交于 周四, 08/26/2021 - 12:48
This paper proposes a novel micropump driving mode, called the laser-induced shock wave, which has the advantages of remote control, high energy utilization and wireless energy supply and no electromagnetic interference. Given this new driving mode, a new manufacturing method of valveless micropump is presented that uses the material polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology. This method carries the merits of high reliability, high efficiency and high success ratio.


ty10086 提交于 周三, 08/25/2021 - 16:27
微针阵列( MNA )作为一种经皮给药技术,具有无痛、微创、用量精确等特点。本工作讨论并比较了本课题组利用MEMS技术制备的新型MNA模具。首先,我们介绍了利用LIGA ( Photolithography,Galvanogormung,Abformung )技术获得与X射线掩模图形相似的三维结构的平面图案到截面技术( PCT )方法。在此基础上,结合聚二甲基硅氧烷( PDMS )转移技术和电镀工艺,可制备金属MNA。第二种方法是采用硅湿法刻蚀结合SU-8工艺,利用PDMS转移技术获得PDMS四棱锥MNA。第三种方法是利用倾斜旋转光刻工艺,通过PDMS转移技术在SU - 8光刻胶上获得PDMS锥形MNA。3种工艺均采用平行减法制造方法,重现性和准确度误差范围为2 ~ 11 %。LIGA技术生产长径比高达30的中空MNA,用于血液提取和药物注射。通过雕刻工艺制备的MNA高度约为600 μ m,可以达到缓释效果,同时具有潜在的系统递送作用。紫外照射制备的MNA高度约为150 μ m,用于刺激皮下组织。