分子水平制备用于有效CO2 / N2、CO2 / H2和烯烃/石蜡分离的高选择性复合ZIF-8 - CNT- PDMS膜

ty10086 提交于 周三, 08/25/2021 - 15:43
Molecular-level fabrication of highly selective composite ZIF-8-CNT-PDMS membranes for effective CO2/N2, CO2/H2 and olefin/paraffin separations
独特的具有增强气体分离性能的CNT-ZIF-8 - PDMS复合膜的分子尺度制备方法主要集中在捕获CO2 ( CO2 / N2,CO2 / H2 )。也有烯烃/石蜡分离的报道。首次在自支撑化学修饰碳纳米管( CNT )平台上通过ZnO键成功地合成了ZIF-8沟道层,使ZIF-8晶体能够在CNT上生长并牢固地锚固。在CNT表面形成取向的ZIF-8阵列,作为有效的缓冲层,促进了分子气体通过膜的传输。相比之下,通常会降低气体渗透率的常规沟道层。为了减小CNT / ZIF-8地层表面/本体处的间隙孔隙,采用喷涂技术在CNT / ZIF-8上沉积了薄的聚二甲基硅氧烷( PDMS )层。通过SEM和三维光学轮廓仪观测,证实了所得到的无缺陷形貌。PDMS的沉积提高了复合材料的力学稳定性(应力-应变),延伸率提高了12倍,热稳定性降低了46 %。此外,复合膜表现出优异的气体分离性能,其CO2和C3H6的渗透率分别为8705和4965Barrer,对CO2 / N2 (理想选择性α  =   45.6 )和CO2 / H2 ( α  =   23.9 )气体对的选择性均超过2008年Robeson上界。同样,其他被测气体对,如CO2 / SF6 ( α  =   17.2 )、C3H6 / N2 ( α  =   26.0 )和C3H6 / C3H8 ( α  =   4.9 )的取得结果与文献相比进一步显著。因此,CNT-ZIF-8 - PDMS复合膜概念具有良好的潜力,可以制备出适用于目标气体分离的高效膜,如温室气体、碳氢化合物回收、CO2捕获和烯烃/石蜡分离。
The molecular-scale fabrication method of unique CNT-ZIF-8-PDMS composite membranes with enhanced gas separation performance mainly focusing on CO 2 capturing (CO 2 /N 2 , CO 2 /H 2 ). Also olefin/paraffin separation is reported. For the first time, a successful synthesis of ZIF-8 gutter-layer on the free-standing chemically modified carbon nanotube (CNT) platforms was conducted via the ZnO linkages enabling the proper inter-grown and strong anchoring ZIF-8 crystals onto the CNT. The formation of aligned ZIF-8 arrays onto the CNT surface acted as an effective buffering layer that boosted the molecular gas transport through the membrane. In contrast, the conventional gutter layers which usually reduced the gas permeability. To diminish the interstitial pores at the surface/bulk of the CNT/ZIF-8 formations, thin polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) layer was deposited via the spray-coating technique on the CNT/ZIF-8. The resulting non-defect morphology was confirmed by the SEM and the 3D optical profilometer observations. Furthermore, the PDMS deposition improved mechanical stability (stress vs . strain) of the composite with a twelvefold increased elongation and thermal stability led to a 46% mass reduction. Moreover, composite membranes exhibited outstanding gas separation performance with high CO 2 and C 3 H 6 permeabilities of 8705 and 4965 Barrer, respectively and selectivities overcoming the appropriate 2008 Robeson upper bounds for various gas pairs CO 2 /N 2 (ideal selectivity α = 45.6) and CO 2 /H 2 (α = 23.9) gas pairs. Similarly, achieved results of the other tested gas pairs, e.g. CO 2 /SF 6 (α = 17.2), C 3 H 6 /N 2 (α = 26.0) and C 3 H 6 /C 3 H 8 (α = 4.9) were further remarkable in comparison with the literature. Hence, the CNT-ZIF-8-PDMS composite membrane concept has the excellent potential for the fabrication of efficient membranes suitable for targeted gas separation with high commercial and environmental relevance, such as the greenhouse gasses, hydrocarbons recovery for energy harvesting, CO 2 capturing and olefin/paraffin separation.p
Journal|[J]Separation and Purification TechnologyVolume 274, 2021.





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