
ty10086 提交于 周三, 08/25/2021 - 16:19
Development and characterization of viscoelastic polydimethylsiloxane phantoms for simulating arterial wall motion
动脉管壁黏弹性很可能是血管病变的良好诊断指标,但目前仅有少数关于管壁黏弹性评估的研究。动脉模体是用聚二甲基硅氧烷( PDMS )制造的,用来模拟动脉壁的粘弹性特征,它取决于动脉粥样硬化的壁组织组成和进展。PDMS的粘弹性能通过调节树脂、固化剂、纯硅油的混合比例来控制。测量动脉模体的压力和直径波形,估计管壁粘弹性。弹性采用脉冲压力上的直径膨胀来评价,黏度采用压力-直径曲线的能量耗散比和压力与直径波形的一阶谐波之间的相位滞后( DP1 )来评价。加入纯硅油在降低其黏度的同时,进一步软化了硅弹性体。混合比为10∶1∶5和10∶1∶8的模体(树脂∶固化剂∶硅油)表现出与20∶1∶0和25∶1∶0的弹性相似,尽管黏度明显下降。在不同混合比( 20∶1∶0和10∶1∶5 )的动脉模体界面附近发现相位滞后( DP1 )突然减小,而直径扩张的变化可忽略不计。DP1可能是区分弹性性质相似但粘性行为不同的壁组织的新指标。模拟动脉粥样硬化管壁的体模压力直径曲线和DP1可以与患者数据进行比较,并应用于临床评价斑块粘弹性。采用标准线性粘弹性模型对动脉壁运动进行了计算分析。从实测的压力-直径关系确定模型参数,成功模拟了不同黏弹性性质的体模的动脉壁运动。该计算模型可能对病原性管壁变性引起的动脉粘弹性变化提供有益的洞察。
Arterial wall viscoelasticity is likely to be a good diagnostic indicator of vascular disease, but only a few studies on the assessment of wall viscosity have been performed. Artery phantoms are manufactured using polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) to simulate the viscoelastic characteristics of the artery wall, which depends on the wall tissue composition and progression of atherosclerosis. The viscoelastic property of PDMS is controlled by adjusting the mixture ratio of resin, curing agent, and pure silicone oil. The pressure and diameter waveforms of the artery phantom were measured to estimate the wall viscoelasticity. Elasticity is assessed using the diameter distention over the pulse pressure, and the viscosity is evaluated using the energy dissipation ratio of the pressure-diameter curve and the phase lag between the first harmonics of pressure and diameter waveforms (DP1). PDMS phantoms with resin-to-curing-agent ratios of 20:1 and 25:1 show viscoelastic characteristics similar to those of young and old human carotid arteries, respectively. Adding pure silicone oil further softens the silicone elastomer while decreasing its viscosity. The phantoms with 10:1:5 and 10:1:8 mixture ratios (resin: curing agent: silicone oil) show elasticity similar to that of the 20:1:0 and 25:1:0 ratios, respectively, albeit with a noticeable decrease in viscosity. An abrupt decrease in the phase lag (DP1) was found near the interface of the arterial phantom with different mixture ratios (20:1:0 and 10:1:5), while the change in diameter distension was negligible. DP1 may be a new index to differentiate wall tissues with similar elastic properties but different viscous behavior. The pressure diameter curve and DP1 of the phantom simulating the atherosclerosis wall can be compared with patient data and applied to clinical evaluation of plaque viscoelasticity. Computational analysis of arterial wall motion was performed using a standard linear viscoelastic model. The model parameters were determined from the measured pressure-diameter relationship, and the arterial wall motions of phantoms with different viscoelastic properties were successfully simulated. The computational model may provide a useful insight into the changes of arterial viscoelasticity caused by pathogenic wall degeneration.
Journal|[J]Medical Engineering & PhysicsVolume 91, 2021. PP 12-18





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美国道康宁道康宁SYLGARD 184硅橡胶是由液体组分组成的双组分套件产品,包括基本组分与固化剂。基本组分与固化剂按10:1重量比完全混合,中等粘度混合液的稠度与SAE 40机油相似。无论厚薄,混合液将固化成为具有韧性的透明弹性体,最适用于电子/电气方面的封装与灌封应用。 道康宁SYLGARD 184硅橡胶在25~150℃的温度范围内固化,无放热现象,无需二次固化。固化过程完成后,可立即在-55~200℃的温度范围内使用。 产品特性:低毒性,在常规的工业操作中,无特别的注意事项; 无溶剂或固化副产物, 固化时不放热;无需特殊的通风条件,不会产生腐蚀;固化时,收缩量小; 固化后, 透明具有弹性;抗震与减缓机械震动;振动的传递性能小;元件可裸视检查与易修补性; 环保性能;低吸水性,良好的耐辐射性能;高真空状态下的低漏气性; 优异的电性能;较大温度范围内的稳定性, 抗解聚;在-55~200℃范围内,甚至在密闭状态下保持弹性与柔韧性,性能稳定; 阻燃性,UL可燃性分级为94 V-1,温度等级:130℃ 产品用途: 道康宁SYLGARD 184硅橡胶在电气/电子的封装与灌封方面有广泛的应用。